Friday, September 19, 2008

Hello Mii

So for my birthday I decided to go out and buy myself a present - a Wii. I keep telling myself if I have a Wii and a Wii Fit then I'll use it and actually exercise; and who knows maybe this will work. It can't cost any more than my many failed gym memberships - and its way more fun! So far Claire, Coli, and I have tried it out. One of the cool things about this video game system is that you get to make your own avatar, or Mii. I happened to have straight hair on my birthday, so I thought I would go with the new look. So what do you think, could you pick me out of a crowd?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good......

12:34 AM

Blogger Darcy and Sharon said...

Fun! Next time Rachael and Kaitlyn are around I'm sure they'll want to try it out, too!

2:56 PM


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